Silica Alumina Gel–WR
Alumino silica gel–AN
The appearance of aluminum silica gel is silightly yellow or white transparent with chemical molecular formula mSiO2 • nAl2O3.xH2O. Stable chemical propertities. Non combustion, insoluble in any solvent except strong base and hydrofluoric acid. Compared with fine porous silica gel, the adsorption capacity of low humidity is similar (such as RH = 10%, RH = 20%), but the adsorption capacity of high humidity (such as RH = 80%, RH = 90%) is 6-10% higher than that of the fine porous silica gel, and the thermal stability (350℃) is 150 ℃ higher than fine porous silica gel. So it is very suitable to be used as the variable temperature adsorption and separation agent.
Alumino silica gel –AW
This product is a kind of fine porous water resistant alumino silica gel. It is generally used as the protective layer of fine porous silica gel and fine porous aluminum silica gel. It can be used alone in the case of high content of free water (liquid water). If the operating system conatains liquid water, low dew point can be achieved with this product.